With its warm and humid climate throughout most of the year, Florida is the ideal destination for many pests, especially mosquitoes. These tiny, flying insects frequent areas that have plenty of mud puddles and other bodies of water. If they choose to hang around your property, you could be at risk of contracting a variety of mosquito-borne illnesses.
At Empire Pest Defense, our West Palm Beach mosquito exterminators know the most effective ways to keep you safe during mosquito season. We can help you identify the factors that might attract mosquitoes to your home and eliminate these bugs for good.

Mosquito Seasonality in West Palm Beach
Mosquitoes thrive and are the most active when temperatures are above 60 °F. In West Palm Beach, you are likely to see mosquitoes flying around from March until October. Sometimes, mosquito eggs can survive the winter and will hatch when the temperatures reach above 50 °F, so you could start seeing mosquitoes as early as February.
Because mosquito season lasts most of the year, trying to keep these bugs away from your home can feel like a full-time job. The best way to ensure that mosquitoes in West Palm Beach stay away from your home all year long, you should team up with a professional mosquito control specialist to have your yard treated regularly.
Tips You Can Use To Prevent Mosquito Bites This Fall
When a mosquito is ready to reproduce, the female will take a blood meal. Once the female is ready to lay her eggs, she will look for an area with a small or large amount of standing water. If you have standing water on your property from bird baths, kiddie pools, or a poorly drained yard, you may be more likely to receive a mosquito bite. If you want to reduce your chances of getting a mosquito bite this fall, our mosquito control experts recommend that you try the following:
- Remove any standing water around your home
- Make sure that your gutters are not clogged
- Avoid the outdoors at dusk and dawn
- Wear mosquito repellent when you are going outside
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants if you will be outside for an extended time
- Avoid spending too much time in shaded areas when outdoors
Mosquitoes can be relentless if they invade your yard. If you see mosquitoes in your yard daily, you should consult a local mosquito control service as soon as possible.
Mosquito Bite Warning Signs To Watch For
In West Palm Beach, having an effective mosquito control plan for your property can help to keep you and your family safe. Mosquitoes are known to transmit various harmful diseases, including encephalitis, dengue, tularemia, chikungunya, and West Nile virus. The symptoms of these illnesses can vary from person to person, but, on average, a person with a mosquito-borne illness may experience swollen lymph nodes, fever, rash, seating, stiff joints, sore muscles, body aches, and nausea. People bitten by an infected mosquito often feel like they have the flu. Most people notice the symptoms three to 14 days after the initial mosquito bite. While these symptoms can be uncomfortable, most people can fully recover with and without medical assistance.
To reduce your chances of getting any of these unpleasant illnesses, you should talk to a professional pest control specialist to determine which mosquito treatment is right for your property.
The Best Strategy To Keep Mosquitoes Away In West Palm Beach
In West Palm Beach, it can seem like mosquitoes are always around. If you want to reduce the number of mosquitoes hanging around your home, you should contact Empire Pest Defense today. Our professional West Palm Beach home pest control know the best way to keep mosquitoes at bay.